

The main things that I expect and look for in an attorney are honesty, communication, and trust. I trusted this law firm with my case fully. They gave me good advices always and they are expert in their practice. I was much more than happy with the results they were able to attain for me.


– Peter Coleman

After we lost our father from considerable injuries to carelessness we were devastated. We had the courage and strength with this law firm on our end. They fought this case with integrity, dedication and professionalism. Through prayer and perseverance, we won the case with one among the highest wrongful deaths verdicts. Thanks a lot for everything you did for us.


– Cindy Morataya

Looking back on our trial, one great thing actually stands out from the other events and details. The thorough investigation, hard work and dedication done by the lawyers and team of this firm made all the differences in enabling the judge and jury to talk in our favor. We will never forget the care you gave and the respect you showed. We pray that all their efforts and hard work continue to assist justice be served!


– Ryan Cuthbertson